Thursday, February 3, 2011

Foods prepared with vinegar or lemon juice have always been a favorite of mine. I stopped by a local Filipino restaurant last week and decided to grab Adobo. For those of you familiar with Filipino food, Adobo is a common dish prepared with either chicken or pork. Adobo actually refers to a cooking process in which the meat is stewed in vinegar - hence the direct translation of the word to English means pickled. Adobo is one of my favorites dishes but is also extremely fattening. Although I recommend learning to make the dish from scratch to reduce the fat intake, some restaurants that I would recommend for this include Nanay Gloria and Goldilocks. These restaurants are 'food-to-go-style' and are quite inexpensive (less than $10 per person).
Tip of the day: Vinegar has long been known to be a good natural cleaning agent and has also been known to help when applied on sunburns. Carry mini packs of vinegar if you want a quick and easy way to clean your forks and spoons at restaurants.